Easy Beginner Yoga Techniques to Warm Up with During a Cold Winter
Jan 30, 2025
Written by Yoga Llamathe Enlightened One
easy beginner yoga techniques to warm up with during a cold winter

Bolster your training at home with these exercises!

Winter’s chill can make it tempting to skip your workout, but yoga is a perfect way to warm up your body and stay active indoors. Here are some curated beginner-friendly techniques that are designed to get your blood flowing, loosen stiff muscles, and help you feel energized, even on the coldest days!

1. Mountain Pose:

Mountain pose is a classic one to start with because it helps establish balance and focus. Stand tall with your feet together, arms by your sides, and shoulders relaxed. Take deep breaths as you root your feet into the ground and lift your arms straight over your head.

Tighten your whole body as you hold this pose for 30 seconds.

2.  Goddess Pose

Step your feet wide apart, turn your toes out, and bend your knees deeply, keeping them aligned with your toes. Raise your arms to shoulder height or overhead, and hold the pose as you breathe deeply. This powerful stance strengthens your legs and core.

Hold it for twenty to thirty seconds and feel the burn in your muscles.

3. Sun Salutations

This series of movements stretches your entire body and teaches you balance!

Begin in Mountain Pose, then raise your arms overhead before folding forward. Try to reach your toes, then step carefully into a plank, lower to the floor, and push your head and shoulders forward to transition into an upward-facing dog. Flow back into the downward-facing dog and return to standing.

Repeat this sequence 3–5 times to elevate your heart rate and get the blood flow going.

Incorporating these poses into your everyday routine will help you stay warm, active, and grounded throughout the winter months. All you need is a matt and 5 minutes of time!

Take a look into curated flows for winter with Yoga Llama! - https://bit.ly/42mome8

Want to know how to stay active at work? Read up here!

What are the advantages of a regular yoga practice? See what our founder says here!

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